Wednesday 15 August 2012

Treatment for Heat Rashes

  • Heat rashes can be best treated by keeping oneself clean, cool and dry. Make sure you wear cotton clothes in summer and keep yourself airy.
  • Keep the house well ventilated to allow enough air to keep yourself cool and dry. 
  • After bath wipe off the body well and apply deodorant in areas of your body like underarm and under the breast. You must also apply powder on all over your body to keep yourself sweat free as far as possible.
  • You can also apply corn starch on area where you have heat rash but make sure that the starch does not get moist else it will increase the chances of fungal infection. Try to stay cool after the application see your rashes disappear in few days. 
  • Boil some Neem leaves and dilute the solution in half bucket of water. After your bath, wash your body with this water and wipe dry. Neem is a natural infection killer and will help you get relief of the itching and accompanying infection.
Some Precautions to avoid heat rashes
  • Make sure you bath at least twice a day to keep yourself cool and dry
  • Wash your clothes regularly to avoid infection caused due to sweat.
  • Wear cotton clothes which will allow easy air passing.
  • Minimize the use of moisturizer/lotion/cream during summer time as it traps moisture thus increasing the chances of heat rashes further.

2012 Symptoms of Heat Rash

Heat rashes are one of the many skin infections that happen mostly due to hot and humid climatic condition. There are other reasons as well but this is the most common reason of all. Heat rashes although may not be a serious skin condition but does cause much itching along with tiny red marks on face and entire body. Nothing much can be done for the hot humid climate but one can get educated to prevent heat rashes along with doing the various treatments for it.
Typical Symptoms of Heat Rashes.
  • Heat rashes begin with itching and reddening of the skin. It usually appears on those parts of the body where there is maximum sweating and air does not pass freely. 
  • Sometime such itching may start appearing on the entire body and the prime cause of it is excessive sweating or wearing synthetic clothes during summer. 
  • The itching and reddening of the skin is accompanied by the appearance of small red bumps on the skin surface. If it is scratched then it may bleed as well.
  • Care must be taken to identify to identify the heat rash as there are other types of skin infection which too may accompany itching and reddening of the skin. Along with identifying the symptoms the appropriate cure for the same is also important. 

Heat Rash Treatment for Babies and How to solve kids Heat Rash Problem

Baby heat rash is a very common problem and worries parents very much. However the good news about it is, it is not as worrisome as it sounds; with a little care the rashes can be healed. Let’s find out more about it in the following article.
The other name for heat rash is summer rash or prickly heat and is common to children of all age, although is most common in babies. It is caused when your baby over heat and appears as small bumps all over the body. It is most commonly found in area of the body where the skin folds like thighs, buttocks, neck etc. it can also appear in area where the cloth fits tightly against his skin. 
The cause for heat rash
Heat rashes are  caused when babies sweat too much and the skin pores clog due this. Since babies have smaller skin pores, they are more prone to heat rashes. Hot and humid climate is responsible for the occurrence of such rashes but there are other reasons for this as well. Some time even during the winter, a baby may develop heat rash if she has fever. Fever hats up t body and due to excessive clothing, the skin does not get air and the sweat accumulates in the pores resulting in heat rash. Even a cough ointment rubbed over the skin may cause a rash but it is not to be worried about.
Treatment and precaution for the rashes in babies.
  • The best way to treat heat rashes is to keep your baby cool and dry. If it happens during the summer season then make him wear light cotton clothes, preferably sleeveless. 
  • The baby bath water must be lukewarm and add a little baking soda in it ( 2 teaspoon per gallon)
  • Do not apply and kind of baby oil or moisturizer, instead apply powder in the affected area after bath and patting it dry; never rub an affected area.
  • You may bath the baby once a day but wipe his/her tender body in the latter half of the day to clean the sweat. Use a clean wet cotton towel to wipe the body and apply powder after that on all over his body.
  • Moisture is the prime reason for your baby getting a heat rash so make sure that there is sufficient air around him. Place the baby’s bed in such a position that he continuously gets cool breeze. Also make sure that during the night the baby is not chilled but rather comfortable. 
  • The heat rashes have a tendency to itch so make sure that you trim your baby’s finger nails so that he/she do not scratch him/her self in the night. 
  • The last but not the least, your baby must be kept in hygienic condition and so must be all his/her belongings to avoid any such skin problem. Also make sure that the house is clean, tidy and enough airy. Such precautions will lessen the problem but still if the problem persist,  please don’t delay and contact a child specialist.

Treatment for Heat Rash under Breasts

Almost every woman who lives in hot humid climate has faced the pain and discomfort of rashes on their body, especially in their intimate places. Such types of rashes persist for weeks and cause severe discomfort in daily work. We cannot change the hot and humid climate but here are some remedies for heat rashes under the breasts.
• Stay cool and dry as far as possible
It is easy to say these things but sometime our lifestyle does not permit us to saty in air conditioner entire summer. However you can try the alternatives, wear light garment during the summer preferably cotton. Turn on the fan and also keep your doors and windowns open for proper air circulation. You can also put a dehumidifier in your room to absorb the extra moisture. Apply deodorant under the breast and also a good quality powder after bath so that the skin in that area remains dry. It is advised to apply power as frequent as you sweat to avoid chances of any heat rash. 
• Avoid skin irritant products
You may also develop rashes by the usage of certain skin products. Change your soap, deodorant or powder in case you feel that the harmful chemical used in these products is causing the occurrence of rashes. Use a mild but good quality skin product like soap, cream  and observe the result.  
• Do not use body oil or moisturizer
If you are in the habit of using body oil or moisturizer, then discontinue the usage of it as long as your rash under the breasts heals. These oil and skin based products traps moisture and does not allow the skin to stay dry and provides as a breeding ground for fungal based rashes. 
• Wear a good quality bra
 An ill fitting bra may also cause heat rash as it does not elevate the lower part of the breast properly. Use a good quality and proper fitting bra that will help you get rid of this problem. You will feel better and the heat rash will also heal; it is suggested to use talcum powder under the breast before you wear the bra.
• Try corn starch instead of powder
Corn starch not only adds taste to your food but relives you of the heat rash itching as well. It  is recommended by the national cancer institute and can be used instead of powder. Here is how you can use it, when you are taking rest apply corn starch on the affected area but make sure the area is dry and clean. Keep it for 10 to 20 min and then remove it with a dry cloth. Do not apply on wet area or use with water as moisture, corn starch increases the risk of fungal infection. 
• Milk and water treatment
Cold milk and water reduces the heat rashes to much extent. You can take equal quantity of cod water and milk and soak a thick cloth in it; make sure that the solution is cold enough. Gently squeeze away the extra liquid from the cloth and apply over the affected area for sometime; do this for half an hour as long as the cloth remains cool. After this wash the area with mild soap and apply powder. Try these homemade treatments for heat rash and see the result in few days.

Symptoms of skin rashes on legs

Skin rashes on legs is a type of dermatitis or eczema( both these skin disease terms are used interchangeably. The dermatitis can be minoe or acute, acute skin conditions can be blistered plaques, erthematous or oedematous and is usually accompanied by itching and pain in the affected area. Continuous itching may cause darkening of the skin of the affected area. In this section we will discuss some of the common reasons for skin rashes and the accompanying symptoms. 
Discoid Eczema
Discoid eczema is a type of skin disease and is also known as nummular dermatitis. The symptoms of this skin disease appears as oval or round plaques and can happen at any age. Discoid eczema can happen in the dry form as well as in the wet form. Dry discoid eczema also known as asteatotic eczema. can happen due to dry skin condition and is usually non itchy. Wet discoid eczema or exudative is a more acute form of this disease and is also more resistance to treatment. It can happen due to an injury, skin burn, cut or even insect bite; it is infected by staphylococcus aureus. The first symptom of it appears as a patch on either of the legs and slowly it spreads on the entire leg and may even start appearing on arms. The severe cases of exudative may happen due to autosensitisation.
Atopic dermatitis 
This type of skin rash occurs mostly around the ankle and feet region and affect children and infants mostly. In older children the knee region is affected and is accompanied y severe sessions of itching and acute flare ups. One may face severe discomfort in the affected region which may cause hindrance in day to day work. 
Contact dermatitis 
Contact dermatitis is a skin rash which is caused to various oral reasons like usage of some deodorant, excessive bathing, certain types of anti biotics, tight socks, soaps and even due to hot humid weather condition. The symptoms may be blistering eruptions and accompanied irritation. One suffering from such symptoms may contact a dermatologist to know the reason and get the treatment to avoid further complications. A patch testing may be done to know the reason behind the rash.
Gravitational dermatitis
Also known as  venous eczema, gravitational dermatitis is caused due to a damage in the veins of the leg which may have happened due to previous venous thrombosis or deep skin infection. The symptoms of this disease may show up as a discrete patch in the leg and gradually affect the entire leg up to ankles. The affected skin may show up symptoms like red scaly skin with rough crust and cracks. High vein pressure causes the red blood cells to leak from the cracked region and due to this the surrounding skin may also be discolored. If not treated on time then it may lead to further complication like atherosclerosis deep hard tissue, ulceration and autosensitisation (general rash). These were some types of common rashes of leg along with accompanying symptoms. Such rashes must not be neglected on the very first appearance and must be treated without any further delay.

Causes of Fungal Rash on Buttocks

Fungal rashes on buttocks are a very serious and painful skin infection. Occurrence of such an infection makes it difficult of the concerned person to do his day to day work comfortably. Such fungal rashes on buttocks occur on both the cheeks with the same intensity and are more concentrated at the bottom of the buttocks. There are various reasons for the occurrence of such rashes but is common with people who are obese, live in hot and humid conditions or are incontinent. Such types of rashes are also common to people who suffer from diabetes or have been taking antibiotics for a long period of time. Here are some of the common reasons that cause such rashes
Jock Itch
Jock itch is a kind of fungal rash which occurs during the summer time and is also common to those living in hot humid climate. It is caused by a fungus called tinea and affects the thigh and genital area along with the buttocks. The typical symptom of the jock itch is reddening of the skin accompanied with itching and a burning sensation. It some cases skin peeling and flaking may also happen.
Common over-the-counter medicine will help in such kind of rash as they include azoles and allylaminesm. If such medicines does not work then use doctor prescribed medicine, some of such medicines are oxiconazole and econazole. Yopu can also try oral medication like fluconazole and intraconazole.
Yeast Infection 
Yeast infection is caused by a fungi known as candida and is one of the common skin problem. This kind os skin infection can affect any part of the body but it is most commonly found in armpits, groinand buttock area. The symptoms are common like any other type of fungal infection; reddening of the skin is accompanied with itching and burning sensation. Along with this pimple like bumps may also be seenin the affected area.
The treatment for this kind of fungal infection is same as mentioned above. Oral medication show result but if the problem persist then doctor’s medication is recommended.
Ring Worm
Ring worm is a kind of fungal infection that can affect any part of the body like elbow, knee cap, scalp and  even buttocks. This infection has derived its name from it appearance as it mostly appears in the form of a circular rash along with inflamed border. It is caused by a fungal infection which lives on the outer skin like a parasite. 
Sometime OTC medication helps but if the problem has lasted for a considerable long period of time, then doctor’s medication is suggested. You can try these medicines; butenafine, ciclopirox or econazole  while some oral medication may include fluconazole and itraconazole.  Medication Tips For Buttock Rashes.
  • Wash the affect area before applying the medicine
  • Do not rub the area instead pat dry gently
  • Wear gloves to avoid infection and wash them after applying medicine
  • Moisturizer can be used once the rash starts healing and the skin tends to become dry and flaky .

Causes of skin rashes on hands

Rashes are a skin condition which causes a redness in the skin accompanied with swelling and a blotchy appearance. Rashes can occur in any part of the body  and causes considerable discomfort in the skin. There are various causes of skin rashes and depending on this cause the treatment depends. In this section we will discuss about hand rashes and the cause for the same.

Skin Inflammation
Skin inflammation is a skin condition which happens mainly due to contact with any such thing like soap or detergent. These things contain chemicals and the skin reacts in contact with these chemicals.  This is why it is advised to do a patch test before using any kind of new lotion, shampoo or a hair dye.

Contact Dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is a condition which occurs due to an insect bite or due to contact with a poisonous oak. Lime disease is another kind of skin condition which is caused due to an insect bite and appears as a round rash with a bull’s eye pattern. While every kind of rash is accompanied with itching but in this kind of rash there is itching along with pain in the swelling area.Certain kind of allergies are caused due to consumption of certain food like strawberry, shellfish, peanuts etc. these food cause mild reaction but in certain case may be life threatening as well. They may cause vomiting abdomen pain, difficulty in breathing, effect the gastrointestinal tract and kidney as well. Such symptoms must be treated immediately else it may lead to death as well. 

Hand-Mouth And Foot Disease 
Hand mouth and foot disease is a contagious disease and spreads very rapidly. It appears as rashes on hand, foot and mouth and spreads by contact from the infected person to others. It spreads from contact with saliva, nose discharge, feces, coughing and sneezing from the infected person to others. This disease appears as rashes not only on hands but also on foot soles and sometime even on buttocks. It goes away on its own however to get rid of the mouth sores some oral medication must be applied. 
Other Reasons for Hand Rashes
Hand rashes may not always happen due to skin infection or due to contact with any skin allergic substance, there may be various underlying reasons for hand rashes. Sometime allergic reaction with any medicine may show up as rashes on hands or on other parts of the body. Consuming   Food cooked in inferior quality of oil may also show an allergic reaction in the form of rashes on various parts of the body including on hands and face. Some genetic disorder of the skin may also show up as rashes; irrespective of whatever be the reason for skin rash, one must treat it without any delay.  Prompt treatment will solve even the toughest of skin problem and delay will just aggravate the situation. 
These were some of the reasons for skin rashes, for detail information about it and treatment one must consult a dermatologist .