Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Treatment for Heat Rash under Breasts

Almost every woman who lives in hot humid climate has faced the pain and discomfort of rashes on their body, especially in their intimate places. Such types of rashes persist for weeks and cause severe discomfort in daily work. We cannot change the hot and humid climate but here are some remedies for heat rashes under the breasts.
• Stay cool and dry as far as possible
It is easy to say these things but sometime our lifestyle does not permit us to saty in air conditioner entire summer. However you can try the alternatives, wear light garment during the summer preferably cotton. Turn on the fan and also keep your doors and windowns open for proper air circulation. You can also put a dehumidifier in your room to absorb the extra moisture. Apply deodorant under the breast and also a good quality powder after bath so that the skin in that area remains dry. It is advised to apply power as frequent as you sweat to avoid chances of any heat rash. 
• Avoid skin irritant products
You may also develop rashes by the usage of certain skin products. Change your soap, deodorant or powder in case you feel that the harmful chemical used in these products is causing the occurrence of rashes. Use a mild but good quality skin product like soap, cream  and observe the result.  
• Do not use body oil or moisturizer
If you are in the habit of using body oil or moisturizer, then discontinue the usage of it as long as your rash under the breasts heals. These oil and skin based products traps moisture and does not allow the skin to stay dry and provides as a breeding ground for fungal based rashes. 
• Wear a good quality bra
 An ill fitting bra may also cause heat rash as it does not elevate the lower part of the breast properly. Use a good quality and proper fitting bra that will help you get rid of this problem. You will feel better and the heat rash will also heal; it is suggested to use talcum powder under the breast before you wear the bra.
• Try corn starch instead of powder
Corn starch not only adds taste to your food but relives you of the heat rash itching as well. It  is recommended by the national cancer institute and can be used instead of powder. Here is how you can use it, when you are taking rest apply corn starch on the affected area but make sure the area is dry and clean. Keep it for 10 to 20 min and then remove it with a dry cloth. Do not apply on wet area or use with water as moisture, corn starch increases the risk of fungal infection. 
• Milk and water treatment
Cold milk and water reduces the heat rashes to much extent. You can take equal quantity of cod water and milk and soak a thick cloth in it; make sure that the solution is cold enough. Gently squeeze away the extra liquid from the cloth and apply over the affected area for sometime; do this for half an hour as long as the cloth remains cool. After this wash the area with mild soap and apply powder. Try these homemade treatments for heat rash and see the result in few days.